Catching up, 2020 version

The past few years have been a blur of frenetic activity. I realized as I published my last post that many of you have no idea of the various enterprises we have embarked upon, and it is time to rectify that. I also wanted to apologize for the unpolished nature of the last post. My favorite professor, in urging us to get started on the most difficult part of our psychology paper (a scholarly paper we are writing about the study we have just done), told us to “throw the crap on the paper.”  She said we could edit later, but that if we had nothing on the paper, there would be nothing to edit. It was good advice for a lapsed blogger, too. I have several posts I never published because I didn’t have time to finish them they weren’t perfect. As a recovering perfectionist, though, it is time to overcome this tendency and be willing to accept the less than perfect posts. Will you ride along with me?

You were with me, dear reader, when I got my commercial driver license and began driving a school bus.  I am still doing this, and I take great pride in being a safe driver. I am more convinced than ever that being a mom of so many children uniquely qualified me to drive a school bus. Student management is not a skill all people inherently possess. Last fall, I was granted the opportunity to drive the very route that includes our home. That means our route begins at our house in the morning and ends at our house in the afternoon. I no longer have to worry that someone will be here to meet the bus for Sweet Pea. She is on my bus!  It also means I gained over six hours in my week. I no longer have to commute to my route, and my route is finished sooner than my old one was. I am so very grateful for this change!

This school year, Sweet Pea went to Pre-K at the school where I drive.  A year ago in January, Lil’ Advenurer also began his public school career. He started half-way through fifth grade. It was an adjustment for him, but he has done well. He is at the middle school now and in all advanced classes, and he loves playing clarinet in band.  Although the decision to send him to public school was a difficult one, it was the best thing for him. He is thriving! I am still homeschooling Little Princess (not so little now at age 14!!) and Curious George (age 10).

A year ago, we gained temporary custody of PJ, our oldest son’s daughter. Her mother passed away two years ago, and her mother’s boyfriend was not allowing us to see PJ. We go back to court soon to decide permanent custody. Prayers are appreciated that the decision would be in PJ’s best interest.  PJ is also in public school, and the relationships I developed with the teaching team when Lil’ Adventurer was in fifth grade were very helpful when getting PJ settled.  She has needed some extra help, and we are confident that the teaching team is helping as much as possible.

Meanwhile, I enrolled in college in 2018. It had been over 25 years since I had set foot in a college classroom, and let me just quote Jasmine from Aladdin, and say, “it’s a whole new world!”  Full-time enrollment is not a realistic goal for me, so I am taking it slow and taking just 2 or 3 classes per semester.  I will hopefully graduate in spring of 2022, if not a semester earlier. Exhausting as it is to be a student, drive a bus, and home educate two children all at the same time, I love what I am doing. The academic challenge feeds a part of me that needed to reminded that I still have the capacity to learn and thrive.  Overall, the change has been good.

Dee and Star Child currently rent an apartment together. Sweet Pea and Fred are adorable together; cousins that act a lot like siblings. Fred is almost two years old, and he is a joyful, sweet, happy toddler. He LOVES buses (how convenient one is parked in my yard!), fire trucks, and all large vehicles. He is learning how to say, “yes, please”. Star Child has been instilling in him an appreciation for nature from his very first hike at a month old. He delights in mud puddles and peanut butter sandwiches.

Lindy and her hubby are doing well. They have a busy life and we don’t see them very often, but they are around. Thankfully, they see Fred and Sweet Pea more often. Aunt and Uncle duty is serious business!  Gladys Mae is living near Omie, working at a pizza place, and saving her money for massage school. She and her boyfriend also seem to be trying to launch a mobile auto-repair service. Little Princess had an adventurous summer last year as she went with Teen Missions to Honduras. She was gone for nine weeks, during which the Handy Man’s father passed away. It was a rough summer for everyone, but especially for her. She seemed to enjoy her mission trip, though, and she is looking into a very short term trip to Albania at the end of May with our church. Little Princess is also honing her piano. She has accompanied our local community choir (directed by our piano teacher) for one song on each of the last three concerts. This time around, she will be accompanying two songs for the choir. Little Princess is growing up!

The Handy Man is still a custodian at the elementary school.  It is steady income, and he loves the kids. Our children are all involved in 4-H activities as in the past, Little Princess and Lil’ Adventurer are enjoying youth group at our church, and we usually have multiple activities going on at the same time. I have relied more heavily than ever on my circle of friends and on my mother, who, bless her, comes up to our home twice a week to run the kids to various activities while I drive my extra after-school route.

So, there you have it: a snapshot update of our lives most recently.  I sincerely hope I can keep up with the creative outlet of my blogs and dive more deeply into what the Lord has been teaching me. It’s good to be back with you, dear readers!

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